Code of Conduct
il più antico club velico del Mediterraneo

il più antico club velico del Mediterraneo Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct of the amateur sports association Yacht Club Italiano of Genoa has been developed to assist Members to understand the standards of conduct that are expected of them in their dealings with each other and with external stakeholders.

The association recognises the fundamental social, educational and cultural values that are inherent in sport.  It follows that the Club always abides by the principles of fair play and provides a safe, friendly and respectful environment for Members to gather in the spirit of cooperation, good will, fun and friendly competition. 

The association rejects all forms of discrimination, violence, corruption, use of performance enhancing drugs and any other conduct that is detrimental to the sport. The Code of Conduct is the main means used by the association to provide practical guidance on ethical behaviour in sport.  It lays down a set of rules of conduct designed to ensure fulfilment of the Club’s educational goals as well as an environment based on integrity, respect and sportsmanship.

These rules must be observed by anyone acting in the name and on behalf of the YCI, notably its Members, who shall always act ethically, fairly and honestly and help to enhance the image of our association as represented by our Club colours, embodying our principles and values during sports events.